Gifted and Talented Instructor QUALIFICATIONS: Valid Kentucky Certification REPORTS TO: Instructional Supervisor and Superintendent PRIMARY RESPONSIBILITY: Oversee the implementing of state law regarding Gifted & Talented: KRS 157.196, 157.200 (1) (n), 157.224, 157.230 and 704 KAR 3:285. PERFORMANCE STANDARDS: IDENTIFICATION: Facilitate the administration, scoring, and/or recording intelligence tests endorsed by the Kentucky Department of Educationfor 3rd and 6th grade students. Facilitate the administration, scoring and/or recording of: Creativity: primary, intermediate, and secondary gradesby classroom teachers; peer surveys administered in 4th and 6th Leadership: primary, intermediate, and secondary grades by classroom teachers; peer surveys administered in 5thand 7th Music: primary, intermediate, and secondary grades by classroom teachers; 3rdgrade given by music teacher. Visual Arts: portfolios: primary, intermediate, and secondary grades by classroom teachers or enrichment teachers. Dance: primary, intermediate, and secondary grades by classroom teachers. Drama: primary, intermediate, and secondary grades by classroom teachers. Evidence includes scores at or abovethe 90th percentile for students considered for the Primary Talent Pool and in the 9th stanine (96th percentile and above) for students considered for the Gifted Program on national normed referenced assessments that include composite scores and are endorsed by the Kentucky Department of Education. Students may be identified as gifted without qualifying scores if they have evidence that qualifies them for special considerations (minority, special education, English Language Learners, disadvantaged students). Evidence includes scores at or above 128 on an aptitude test(9th stanine). DATA COLLECTION/COMMUNICATION: Preparation, distribution, and data recording of parent, student, and educator surveys. Preparation of the Individual Student Folders after the first standardized test results. Preparation, distribution, and data recording of teacher recommendation for any student in grades kindergarten through twelve who indicates characteristics of giftedness regardless of test scores or classroom performance for the purpose of effectively identifying students in federally identified student gap groups. Collection of Primary Progress Reports data for any student meeting any general intellectual and/or subject area criteria. Documenting all data that has been continuously collected on each student beginning in kindergartenand including students who move into the district at any grade level and acquire qualifying evidence. Schedule and meet with each school’s identification committee for formalidentification of students. Facilitate the communication with parents of all identified students, their identified area, and documenting the date that giftedservices may Introduction letter, link to GT website, and periodic emails help inform parents of gifted services. For new students receiving services, an informative meeting is the most broad-based way of transferring information about the identification process and the services to receive.Fall and spring parent meetings may be sponsored by the local chapter of the Kentucky Association for Gifted Education: MCKAGE. GIFTED/TALENTED SERVICES: Primary talent pool students and gifted students will receive services in the general educationclassroom and, if available, during RtI or GT/RtI Preparation of Individual Gifted and Talented Student Service Plan Includes the area(s) of giftedness, the specific service delivery option(s), and the educators responsible for delivering services as stated on the GSSP housed in Infinite Campus. Teachers who will be delivering the differentiated core classroom services are to receive a list of all students for whom they will be responsible(whether by homeroom or subject area) Preparation of Individual Gifted and Talented Services Evaluation Plan This includes a variety of options to be used by the teacher and the students determine how and in what areas the students received differentiated services with the opportunity for a variety of evaluation options. GiftedServices Beginning with each student’s GSSP,the GT teacher, general education classroom teachers, guidance counselors, and principals develop an individualized study during initial GT/RtI meetings: Instruction will focus on their identified areasof giftedness Instruction will focus on areas of potential for giftedness. Differentiation of core instruction will be monitored bi-monthly during GT/RtI Other gifted service options will be monitored during GT/RtImeetings (i.e.: acceleration options, enrichment, mentorships, independent study, etc.). OTHER REPSONSIBILITIES: Conduct any grievance procedures….through which a parent, guardian, or student may resolve a concern regarding the appropriate and adequate provision of talent pool services addressed in a formally identified student’s gifted and talented student services plan.” The school identification committee may also serve in this capacity. Follow timelines for all gifted identification and communication procedures and work with the building level coordinators to ensurecompliance with all GT requi Prepare the end of the year GT reports for thedistrict. Prepare the end of the year summative evaluation of the program and student process. Administer and revise the gifted education program as needed, based upon Kentucky Revised Statues and SBDM Council policies. Perform related duties and assumes other responsibilities as may be assigned by the Instructional Supervisors and the Superintendent. " />
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Gifted & Talented Teacher
Job Description
Primary Location District Wide
Salary Range $43,444.00 / Per Year
Shift Type Full-Time
Job Contact Information
Name Jackie Reid
Title Supervisor of Instruction